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Project Development

REnergo Developer  i uniquely po itioned to and ha helped inve tor and IPP develop inve tible project opportunitie under grid ale and open acce con truct acro the Indian ub-continent We [...]

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Project Execution

REnergo Developer  ha undertaken project from concept to commi ioning tage, banking on our trong Engineering, Procurement and Con truction experti e acro olar and wind power project We work [...]

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In titutional Inve tor or IPP : We have a ub tantial pipeline of olar project under both government ale and open acce -ba ed power ale tructure The e include ground mounted and rooftop [...]

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Renewable Energy Advi ory Service Providing techno-commercial advi e to large corporate/ inve tor on how to develop an optimum renewable energy portfolio (captive/ third party purcha e) a per [...]

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Operation & Maintenance

REnergo Developer undertake Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of Solar Power Project en uring the following Smooth operation of the project throughout the year Effective preventive [...]

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C & I Consumers

We are clo ely working with Commercial & Indu trial con umer to help them reduce both their dependence on grid a well a their electricity expen e We provide con umer a choice of: [...]